Help with Planning and Opening a Compounding Pharmacy

We can assist you with planning and opening a new Compounding Pharmacy or with adding compounding to your existing pharmacy practice whether you decide to incorporate this into your present practice or to make compounding a separate entity. We can show you how to set up a separate compounding business if you do not wish to accept insurance for your compounds.

We can offer our services cafeteria style and offer assistance with as many or as few areas that you need addressed. Assistance can be with set up of the facility for non sterile compounding.  Clean room specs and installation can be included if you intend to get into sterile compounding. We have assistance with shipping setup if you intend to do out of area business. We will help you set up a consultation office, a must if you want to do any appreciable volume of bio-identical hormone compounding.

We can assist with fixture acquisition, necessary compounding equipment, supplies, and an appropriate starting chemical inventory. A good computer system with compounding software is a must. We will help you acquire and develop a formula data base. This can be a monumental task.

We can help you with marketing to women wanting bio-identical hormone replacement. We can help you market to hospices and palliative care physicians. Internists, nurses, practitioners,pediatricians, ENTS, orthopedics, podiatrists, dermatologists, dentists, veterinarians, and gynecologists are target practitioners. A multiple media
approach has been successful for us in the past and we will be glad to share this experience with you. Developing a targeted mailing list is also important.

Articles on Bio-identical hormone replacement in targeted audience magazines is a great driver of hormone replacement prescriptions. We can write these articles for you if you have that need.

The greatest driver of hormone replacement business has been a  power point presentations to women's groups. We can do these for you and/or teach you how to do them if you wish.

And finally an in person hormone consultation that you do for a patient in your office always results in compounded scripts.

We can also help you in selecting a compounding pharmacist for your business if you have that need.

We can be on call for you to assist you as you grow your compounding business.